I am always right.

Just dropping by real quick because look what happened to Takedown.
takedown's metascore; 27
Remember that time I warned that this game would be terrible and that I wish it failed? It was the time I said exactly that and then the developers, along with their little troupe of fans, came in to defend them. Guess they had good reason to be defensive? Of course I haven’t played it myself, I’ve been busy playing a quality Kickstarter game by the name Shadowrun. But wow, 27? I didn’t know IGN scored that low.

6 thoughts on “I am always right.

  1. Can’t believe a piece of generic trash like this got funded. Thank Jesus Nintendo is keeping good with quality control, unlike Microsoft who let their digital store turn into a bin of virtual shovelware from what I heard.

    Oh well. All is not demoralizing in the land of Kickstarter! The Mighty No. 9 managed to reach the stretch goal for 3DS! (Seriously, I am still scratching my head as to why the 3DS was made stretch goal while the PS4 and XB1 versions were made at higher priority.)


    1. I don’t think this is on any Microsoft store, it is on Steam though. Which is usually wonderful and does its best to filter the shit.


      1. Yeah I know. I was talking in general how Nintendo wouldn’t approve something like this while Microsoft’s quality control has taken a nosedive from what I’ve heard.

        Also, shame on Steam. LOL


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