When its hard to understand basic common sense.

Readers of our site probably know about Did You Know Gaming, a YouTube gaming “fact” channel that is semi-notorious for being run by Liam Robertson, one of the most notorious Nintendo rumor insiders alongside Emily Rogers and for flubbing up facts. Well, twenty days ago, they got copyright struck by Nintendo of America for a video on a cancelled Legend of Zelda DS game. And of course, they got a bug up their ass, as seen here:

Most would think this is, once again, Nintendo unfairly flexing their (rightfully) legal muscle to squash “journalistic integrity” (its hard not to laugh when mentioning that in the same breath of Liam Robertson). Since we’re in the Cancel Culture age where people don’t do their research and automatically believe people a’la Helena Taylor exposing herself as a bitter ex-wife, the same will no doubt happen again with this. Too bad, NoA and Nintendo by extension were in the legal right, again.

Liam and his DYKG crew decided to do a piece on a cancelled game nobody knew existed in the first place until its existence was proven via that notorious gigaleak that occurred in 2020. Game betas, source code, documents and the like were illegally hacked and taken from Nintendo’s databases. You have no doubt seen some of this stuff on The Cutting Room Floor wiki (only a matter of time before Nintendo strikes those down since they do ask for money donations to stay alive). Liam’s journalist integrity has no standing since he took stolen content from a copyright holder without their permission and DYKG also makes money off of their videos.

Word of the wise, folks, when you do shit like this, make sure you don’t make money off of it. Though asking mostly Nintendo-centric YouTubers to not be morons is a bit of a hard ask.

4 thoughts on “When its hard to understand basic common sense.

  1. Hilarious how poorly aged this article is. The video was reinstated, meaning Nintendo’s copyright infringement claim was debunked and false. Liam Robertson does not run or own DYKG and had nothing to do with the creation of this video. Just seems like you’re obsessed with him for some reason. Also, what content did Liam “steal” exactly? What a dumb article written clearly written by someone with a chip on their shoulder against a disabled guy. Very classy.


    1. It wasn’t debunked nor was it fault, this article aged well. Liam DOES run and own DYKG. Nobody is obsessed with him. No your comment is clearly an example of a retarded dumbass who can’t think for himself and will d ride anyone who hates Nintendo for their justifiable practices. Bruh stfu.


      1. Shane Gill runs and owns DYKG, not Liam. Liam is just an occasional contributor. He hasn’t released a video for them in months and you might have known that if you actually knew what you were talking about. The video is back up because Nintendo’s claim was illegitimate and the proof of that is that they never attempted to get it taken back down. It is clear who the moron here is.


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