The Tragedy of Dynasty Warriors VS

It’s just been announced via Twitter that Dynasty Warriors VS will not be coming to 3DS outside Japan. There’s no reason given, however we do know that Dynasty Warriors VS didn’t do very well in Japan, selling a mere 10,000 copies in its first week despite the heralded appearance of Samus and Link as bonus characters. Who cares, right? The game bombed, why do we care? Doesn’t that justify no western release? Absolutely not, and here’s why I think Tecmo-Koei are blowing a good opportunity.

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Publishers “underestimated” huge 3DS demand

Wondering why you can’t find Samurai Warriors Chronicles anywhere in Europe or Australia? That’s because it’s sold out, completely. It’s sold out in retail stores, sold out at every online store, and it’s even absent on ebay. Such demand is unprecedented, but 3DS has been breaking records since the day it launched.

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