Resident Evil Revelations HD – Wii U Demo Impressions

Capcom just released a demo of Resident Evil Revelations on Wii U (roughly 600mb) and I jumped on it. I’m a huge fan of the 3DS game, it was so good I think it should have been called Resident Evil 6. The thought of a more polished version of the game with Wii U features is a very juicy one indeed, it’s been far too long since the last good Resident Evil home console game. First impressions were good, and by first impressions I mean the title screen. Hearing the excellent atmospheric music over my TV speakers sent chills down my spine. My body was ready to enjoy 32 inches of Jill and Parker.


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ZombiU – The World Ends With U

ZombiU opens with uncertainty. Just what the hell are we getting into? Is the game good, bad, scary, ugly, beautiful? Music plays with a scattered melody as a man stands alone. Sweat drips from his face as the hopelessness of his situation sinks in, he’s surrounded. He threatens to give the scene a 4 out of 10, but the zombies pay no mind. They walk the streets with lopsided confidence. They know how dangerous they are, and soon everyone will.


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“I like my new WiiU, but I won’t make games for it!”

It has been a few weeks since the WiiU launched, and I am loving it. Miiverse is amazing, ZombiU is amazing and New Super Mario Bros U is pretty close to topping Super Mario Bros. 3 is terms of being my favourite side-scrolling Mario game. While the game journalism side has already been torn apart by Grubdog, its time for me to tear apart the other BS part: the third parties. Continue reading ““I like my new WiiU, but I won’t make games for it!””

Wii U is bombing, and we’re OK with that

Wii U has come out and has caused an interesting reaction with the gaming community. It’s exploded onto the scene like a bird shitting on a park bench. Wii U isn’t selling as well as Wii did at this very early stage, and after skeptical claims of “artificial shortages” people are now falling over themselves to prove that Wii U is “in stock”. Yes, you can buy it. So why don’t you?

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Wii U – Launch Misconceptions

This is a quick post, because I’m playing the shit out of my Wii U right now and don’t have any spare energy to write. There’s an overwhelming amount of fun stuff to do and Nano Assault Neo blew half my face off. Anyway, paid journalists were also overwhelmed and fucked up a lot of things in a sweaty panic, causing mass confusion in the Miiverse. Here’s a few things to set straight!

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Hey U – Give Me Real Controls

The Wii Remote & Nunchuk was last generation’s innovation in violence – still strong today, still better than the competition. This was the method of controlling the last true console Resident Evil experience the world would know: The Umbrella Chronicles.

For the previous console cycle, there’s a seldom-stated lesson Capcom briefly learned (see RE4:Wii) then immediately forgot (see their “HD” games): if you’re pretending to KILL in a video game, do it properly. It’s just a shame we don’t have to pretend anymore: modern games, such as Capcom’s premiere action series, have gotten so smart that they play themselves (step aside Super Guide). The games don’t hesitate to handle much of the excitement on their own, and work hard to convince us that quick-button-context-flashback-retrospection-cutscene was an artistic achievement (“Best QTE of 2012,” is there such a thing?). Opponents of violent gaming love to point out how video games “teach kids how to kill”, but I know that’s rubbish cuz most games suck at that, especially as more games suck at being games. It’s supposed to be like watching a movie, right? Why not an effing GAME? Thru these last couple generations of analog masturbation, popular shooters have more or less surpassed “REALISTIC EVERYTHING” – nevermind the gameplay. And in a (not really) fun twist, “more realism” cheerfully graduated to “more Hollywood”; new gameplay became movies that look like gameplay. “Wow, it’s like playing a game,” – thanks, my confidence in the new generation is at an all-time high.

Before proceeding, I want to be clear that the major ideas in the blocks of text below don’t necessarily apply to every genre or gameplay mechanic. Many of our favorites are derived from things like tennis, team sports, board games, gambling, mazes, vehicles, boxing puppets, and Donkey Kong – there’s no reason to mess with certain core elements. However, TANGIBLE VIRTUAL VIOLENCE has a raw, engrossing quality that the majority of the Industry has not been interested in embracing for some time; fluid human movements seek the spillage of human fluid, yet they insist gamers don’t like movement and just seek Mountain Dew. Trapped in the game industry’s electronic erection contest, the prestigious computing “arms race”, we continue enduring their fake war: fake gameplay and fake value. Cash and companies continue to perish in the high-priced struggle to show violence; rarely do we see genuine imagination towards playing violence. It doesn’t have to be this way; we can still search for decency. Aim off-screen and raise your real arms to rediscover what’s in front of you: the gameplay in your hands.

/wii joke

Continue reading “Hey U – Give Me Real Controls”

ZombiU, or is it really GhostU?

As we near the Wii U launch, we also near the launch of a surprisingly-original Ubisoft title in the form of ZombiU.  It’s a fresh take on the survival horror genre, and is more of a Resident Evil game than Resident Evil 6 is.

The gist of the story is that John Dee, head magician of Queen Elizabeth I’s court, made a prophecy of a disaster that would eventually come to pass as the zombie apocalypse presented within the game.  The player is not the main character of the story (the main characters are the NPCs you meet over the course of the game), but instead takes an interesting angle in that we step into the shoes of a random Joe on the streets of the plague-stricken city of London.  Once they die, it’s Game Over for Joe #1, and we move onto the life of Joe #2 (or Jane #1).  It’s a fairly straight-forward story, or at least what little of it we know of at this point in time…

But is that the whole story?

Are there ghosts lurking within the shadows of London?  Why are they there?  What purpose could they possibly serve in what was a seemingly straight-forward story of survival in a Z-Day situation?  27 days remain…

Thoughts – Wii U, E3, Community Reaction

Holy shit! This is the most excited I’ve ever been about a new game console – Nintendo blew my mind with their presentation and I loved every little thing. In fact, the little things were the best part. No catchy title here; I’m just going to run through my thoughts as I watched the conference, and then afterwards when I looked around the community.

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